Icons superpowered roleplaying rules
Icons superpowered roleplaying rules

Role-playing started out with medieval fantasy and quickly moved on to science fiction, but superheroes were not far behind, and the adventures of brightly-clad heroes with strange powers has been one of the most enduring sub-genres of role-playing games throughout their history. WHY cons? Superhero role-playing games have been around nearly as long as the game style. A part of the thrill of a role-playing game is that it is fiction you and your friends create together and you never know how it will all turn out! Along the way, the heroes encounter challenges, including fights with villains, and the game rules help the players and Game Master to resolve the outcome of those challenges, changing the direction of the story. The GM responds with what happens next, and from this conversation a complete story unfolds. They, in turn, decide what their characters do. The GM comes up with a situation and presents it to the players. Players take on the roles of superheroes you create and embark on imaginary adventures, guided by one player who takes on the responsibility of Game Master (“GM” for short), both the narrator and referee of the game. Icons is a role-playing game: a game of imagination where you and other Who wouldn’t want to be a hero? With Icons, you can be. In countless comic books, cartoons, and live-action television shows and films, superheroes continue to thrill and capture our imagination while also celebrating some of our better qualities. N O I T C U D O R INT What kid hasn’t pretended to be a superhero at some point: worn a cape, “flown” around, bounced imaginary bullets, or shot “blasts of power” from hands or eyes? After all, the superhero is pretty much the perfect modern fantasy: powerful, respected, and loved by the public, but with a message of responsibility, truth, and justice. The following is Open Game Content: all game rules and stats, except material previously declared Product Identity.ĬONTENTS INTRODUCTION. The following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1 (e) of the Open Game License, Version 1.0a: all character and place names and images, except those under copyright to other parties or previously designated their Product Identity. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Zero” Wheeler, Greg Wilcox Icons is © 2010, 2014, Steve Kenson, published by Ad Infinitum Adventures.

icons superpowered roleplaying rules

Design & Writing: Steve Kenson Additional Material: “Blacksteel,” Gareth Skarka, Walt Ciechanowski, Morgan Davie Art: Dan Houser Graphic Design and Layout: Daniel Solis Playtesters: Joe “Frogger” Bardales, “Blacksteel,” Colin “The Hawk” Diem, Morgan “The Raptor” Ellis, Andy “Whisper” Frades, Walt “Detecto” Fulgate, Lyle “Defender” Hinckley, Stephanie “Hardware” Houser, Andrew Johnson, Sean “Volcano” Johnson, Julian “Angel Detective” Kuleck, Ben Matchstick, Alex Munkelwitz, Meghan “Tesla” Rice-Frades, Mike “Jumpin’ Bean” Spagnola, John Spaulding, Kevin “White Tiger” Stoner, Ann “Mondaji” Thompson, Diana “Red Rider” Thompson, Greg “Tank” Thompson, Joe “The Swallow” Thompson, John Trombley, Branden “The Mighty Saguaro” Webb, Michael “Mr.

Icons superpowered roleplaying rules